Sunday, March 11, 2007

Rear Projection Coating

not judge me ... you're hurting!

Sooner or later someone turns his gaze on us, s'industria to know, to cross the dam moved by an inexplicable impulse and unaware that we are used to define "sympathy / antipathy," he disregards us distracted from the emptiness of indifference and begins to osservarci.Dapprima wanders cautious in our souls, it examines the silences, the worries, the reluctance, the deepest impulses, wants to capture its inspiration, want to try the original confirmation of a first impression contatto.E 'this stage no evaluation of attention, that empathy, during which we place ourselves in listening to others, ignoring our personal opinioni.L' else for us is a star without a name. For some unknown reason (which is already inherent in a trial), we recognized that star in the immensity of the firmament, it has caught our attention, has left us speechless and spellbound by his boundless radiance, or perhaps has intrigued its soft light and soft, his quick and sudden glow like a blink of ciglia.Pian floor, through the subsequent attendance, the initial knowledge of the sensations imbued, is enriched with new contents, as in a multiplication of mysteries. Here, the second miracle takes place: the star becomes a planet! Every human being is a combination of multiple components, and that collection of beautiful lights and shadows, the multitude of complex traits both positive and negative, emanating from the actions, gestures, by the words, sometimes even the silence is so full of us! Whether we like it or not, at any time of joyful or painful experience that we call life, each emanating projections self ... and that light or shadow, silence or the music, which lead us to shake a hand or leave presa.Via way they collect information and experiences of others, through his demeanor, the his attitudes, his reactions, our knowledge becomes aware, the scales sometimes pounds up sometimes down, like a tribal dance, why focus only on what we like the other, does not help to know him. Sometimes, without claiming to be infallible and omniscient, we express the fruit of our discernment, and here, but only if that result was also negative episode comes ripping, dissent, the fracture. And yet our discernment has sprouted from the love ... for love ... And here is attention, sooner or later, or after sudden and unexpected slow thinking, someone reminds us of the biblical admonition not to judge, otherwise the right of the penalty reciprocità.Ma how can we properly compare the fairness of the proceedings with the words, how can we distinguish right from wrong, friend from foe, by the wrong reason, the prophet from the braggart ... When not entitled to trial? I know that the mine is a lone voice, I know that supporters of the judge are not a myriad, but in spite of themselves, against the hypocrisy of the commonplace, ergo I am in defense of the proceedings, they claim the right to exist and defend ethics. The tendency or disposition to form judgments of others is actually the foundation of any choice, provided that in doing so, go get a sufficient store of information by the spirit of osservazione.Come could I not judge? Perhaps leaving the brain in apnea? There will, I wonder, is unaware that an estimate? No, I'm among those who admit to judging, I have the courage or perhaps only the sincerity farlo.E snaps for the trial? Take the first moment when our eyes are filled with the other because of something he ATTRE us, or when triggered, impudent heroes, utter words, and let boil over our understanding? The opinions of others with us in the everyday experience that is life in every moment of our esistenza.E 'language, the expression of opinion, that defiles us, voluntarily or involontariamente.Chi expresses opinion on the sinking their hands in its essence, strikes, sometimes deeply , his soul, but the ferment again and it means someone like a bread lievita.Giudicare first meet him, recognize him, then devote attention to confer rights of citizenship in our lives.
judge you because, for me, You exist!
Having glimpsed the part placed in you, you understand what's behind a mask, does not mean we fail to see the mask! If you understand everything thoroughly, you can peacefully to go through life leaving open our minds to the opinions of others and, correcting, why not, the distorted image we give of noi.Non judge me then?
Maybe it should say: "Do not ever tell me what you think of me ... I know ... can hurt me!"

... This time is no dedication.
taken from the Natodaunmousedemente
'image reproduces a painting by Marina Fontana entitled "Gathering the Stars"
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