Monday, December 27, 2010

Is It Illegal To Not Charge Sales Tax

"The World", December 28, 2010

Today I am going to donate blood. A gesture that costs me very little, if not a few hours of time. A simple gesture, which is directly proportional to its importance. Does anyone through my actions may have saved his life! Inside me I feel it would be folly not to do so and yet thousands of people do not and have not even touched on the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing it. In my mind, therefore, formulate a thought in which I tell you, these people are not even touched on the idea of \u200b\u200bsaving another human being, and frankly, I can hardly believe it! I wonder how it is possible that a man or woman think they do not donate blood because they "fear of the needle," or are bothered by the sight of blood, even worse, have no time! That says a lot about the relationship we have with ourselves and with others. I invite you to think what would happen if in need of blood was you or one of your loved ones and there was the availability of the blood itself. You might consider the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing a loved one die just because someone, afraid of the needle, denied him a bit 'of his blood and a few hours of his time. This thought leads you to act not to overcome your fears? There is no guide to action that can be helpful you, other ed'esempio for the whole world? Meanwhile, I would say that for any pure overcome, you are a little more free, and this, surely return to your advantage. If you overcome your fears, led by your example, other people will do and will save many more lives. Come on, do not say I will do it! Today I am writing only a few lines because the AVIS waiting for me and life can not wait!
I greet you and hug. We "read" tomorrow.
"Everything happens now." Luca

(Photo by Paul Gepri)


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