Friday, June 15, 2007

New Moddle Home In Lasvegas

The voltaic pile

little more than two centuries ago Alessandro Volta invented the battery, making a great innovation in the field of energy.
invention of such importance that almost immediately, found space on publications and encyclopedias around the world, as shown by this page to English encyclopedia, the first of the '800.

At the time he was 54 years, held the chair of Experimental Physics in our university and directed the famous physics laboratory (see previous post). It was also one of Europe's most famous physicists: think what an honor for the University Ticinense.

But how does the battery? We see this video in English, taken from a documentary. Otherwise, for more details on the Italian operation, description and explanation, visit this page from the site of the Department of Physics, University of Pavia , entitled to our hero.

Here you will find instructions instead to emulate your idol and build your personal stack voltiana.Il necessary? Things you might find quite easily:
  • A plan of timber placed vertically on a circular base;
  • discs or scraps of copper and zinc;
  • A cloth soaked in an acid solution consisting of water and sulfuric acid;
  • Two wires;
  • A dead frog.

Stack the disks of copper and zinc by putting together the pieces of cloth soaked in the solution and place the column on the wooden floor. Connect the first and the last disk of the column with two copper wires, so it will create an electric potential which produces electric current (the flow of electrons due to the difference between the positions of the two poles). What is the dead frog?

not get to see or hear from animal rights activists: If you want to emulate Alessandro Volta in every way you should test the flow of current due to the contraction on the dead frog.

CAUTION: If the frog back to life to the shock, the animal there will thank you.


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