Monday, September 24, 2007

Oral-b Electric Toothbrush


I get angry easily.
Usually I do not think it's worth it ... you live better by sitting quietly.

But sometimes it happens that someone truly exceeds all limits and make me get out of divine grace.
And then I become (almost) dangerous.

People are strange. They can be bad sometimes.

So you all tangled inside.

Now I feel so ....


Deletions, tears ... I lost the time ...
Some note has been deleted - from the evil inside that you can not even give a good name.

There are moments like this where I really want to smash something. Scream.
Running until no longer breath.

Then take the purple and sound.

And that thing inside begins to do less harm.
The cries become sounds, notes.
Even I, with my rhapsodic mood, I get an order, once. To cling to.
The sounds are strong, deep and vibrant.

The instrument is my voice, my pain, my anger.

Music becomes red apologize almost black.
And that's okay.

posted by: thefairyround on: THE FAIRY ROUND
published Blog Pen Ink on 20/09/2007

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