Big Creek, West Virginia. The local police, after received an anonymous phone call, breaks into a house in a secluded, where it exits staggering Megan Williams, a twenty color, than with black eyes and a faint voice calling for help. She will tell after the central have been made the subject of abuse and torture for a week of having been sexually abused and had been repeatedly stabbed in the leg and close the neck with a rope, it was forced to eat feces of rats and dogs and drinking water from the toilet bowl.
A group of six people, including a mother and son, with whom Megan had had an affair with her clipped, mother-daughter and two other boys, all those with criminal records (something like 108 charges) held the girl hostage, subjecting it to various forms of torture, probably not even the most diabolical minds could distant perspective.
What is hidden behind a crime so heinous? What reasons can we find, assuming that it is lawful to do so, they can somehow help us understand what is behind it, without lapsing into the usual "feel-good psychology", always ready to justify what in fact has no reason to be justified? In this case, one can speak of racial hatred, or perhaps of social deprivation, or even lucid and macabre madness? Certainly
behind is a substrate of poverty, surely the psychological mechanisms that govern these acts are of a highly pathological, but I am in difficulty, if not in disagreement, to invoke racial hatred as a sole or main engine free of this barbarism.
For professional bias would be rather inclined to think about the psychological dynamics associated with psychopathic personality, although the brutality of the violence opens up horizons that may relate more closely psychiatry. A macabre ingredient this story is undoubtedly the sadism : these individuals (in this case would call people too) who acted for the sake of it, moved by the pleasure of causing pain and, above all, to exercise a kind of total domination over the person of the victim . Never mind that the color was poor Megan: Megan could be white, black, yellow or blue, communist, Jewish, fascist, the most important thing was to enslave the girl, dehumanization, which make it an object of pleasure . Not an end outside, just a desire to extend free the act (the sadist does not kill, the sadistic torture for a look at this report), to take advantage of internal that is at the service of his personality.
There is a second key element that makes the whole incredible story. All this happened under the direction of Death of a woman of 49 years, Frankie Brewster, mother of Megan former boyfriend, convicted in 1994 for first degree murder, and has served the sentence with six years' imprisonment in this ... point you may well ask: Why so mild a punishment for an offense that bad? As a mitigating factor, such mechanisms proceedings, such as "psychiatric dancers" or such alleged conduct may have justified a reduced sentence so? We have no evidence to answer these questions, as well as do not have enough information. Returning to our story, the upstream can be a symbiotic relationship with his son to background phobic, which may have led him to believe that she was responsible for having inflicted a deep wound in his narcissistic (and, therefore, to kick symbiotic, even to itself) that dramatically affects the degree of suggestion exercised by this subject to the group and how it created a sort of bond of hypnotic fascination, such as to ensure that everyone behaves according to its prescriptive injunctions.
Finally, of course, the group , this consists of individuals with different products, but made homogeneous by the presence of certain common denominators: psychopathy, degradation and poverty, histories of abuse and mistreatment and provoked and, above all, a criminal record of consistent size.
The group as a herd, the group that attacks and eats the same sacrificial meal, in an escalation that feeds on itself seamlessly .
What about all this? Regardless of possible causes of an analytical research, academic, and perhaps affected, but in some respects a duty to avoid making erroneous attribution (groped to understand it is better to refuse to understand), we must reaffirm that psychological understanding should not in any way interfere with the course of justice (groped to understand does not mean to justify and excuse), which must still runs track and severity of absolute rigor . There are no excuses, only reasons that should make us reflect on the need to operate primarily in terms of prevention, second sentence rehabilitation. Between despair, disbelief, profound sadness, and, above all, lots and lots of anger, a thought Megan and now must travel the road to win back a minimum of confidence in humanity that injured and disfigured, which is still called upon to join
posted by: morton0 to: JOKE OR MADNESS?
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