Friday, January 14, 2011

Paintball Guns Spiders

"... The theory of scavengers and the protection we need"

He moves in our social fabric, an army of people, almost invisibly, works for us. I often go out early in the morning to take long walks. Abbiategrasso dress, a pearl set in the Ticino Park. Like all the pearls has its strengths and weaknesses: patience! If there were no defects could not realizing the merits. I am in my early morning excursions to pass repeatedly in a area where the shelter located media company that focuses on waste disposal and cleanliness of the city center. The place is obviously in a position offset from the village and surrounded by countryside. Especially in winter days, at six in the morning is still oxen. Just at that magic happens. Emerge from nowhere, like a thousand ants consuming, vans, trucks, vans and other vehicles of all shapes and "races". All with their rotating flashing beacon that illuminates the surrounding countryside and warn of their arrival. Manifest a kind of pride that stands in the dark to focus on that long line of media to remind us that, if not there were their to sacrifice their sleep in exchange for a little cash, so much effort and a lot of "snobbish", our town would be submerged by waste. Similarly, you see them appear in every corner of the city, intent to empty bins, sweep sidewalks, empty bins. Before the city wakes up lazily, they have reorganized. Well done: you come to my gratitude. Come to you in their warm beds that let your loved ones and your children so that they can enjoy the running out for you that night that ended hours before. Thanks again.
I would like to thank someone else to take care of all of us leaves the house in the morning without being sure that there will return in the evening. For the sake of work has gone to the police precincts mezz'Italia and worked with many men of the police and Carabinieri. For this I have learned to recognize them even when, for reasons of service, do not wear the uniform: I can assure you that they are everywhere. I see everywhere and in large quantities. Although they will all my gratitude! I chose two groups at random among those who spend their lives to take care of our prosperity and our security, often at the expense of their welfare and their safety. Now, for this, I would do as a father with his children and "teach" not to give everything for granted. Not to think that everything will be due. Learn to appreciate what you are given and, above all, learn to respect them because they "are" garbage collectors, police officers or something: are men and women like you and me! They have feelings, fears, joys and emotions like you!
I greet you and hug.
"Because everything is happening now." Luca


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